5 Tips to Optimize a Guest’s Museum Visit

"Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”—Walt Disney

I love this quote by Walt Disney so much because it really embodies everything I know and believe about Public Relations, Brand Messaging, and Communications. How do you create that for each visitor? A great visitor experience at your museum starts by focusing on way-finding, clear communication, and creating an experience that visitors will want to share with others. You and your staff should aim to create consistency so that each visit gets the same level of service and meets the visitor’s expectations no matter how many times they visit. (Of course hiccups will happen…more on how to handle those in a future article). This list is 5 tips for creating that memorable visit. There are a lot of things I could add to this list about exhibit design and engagement but this article is just focusing on being a good host. Even if you have the most well thought out exhibit in the world, a bad interaction with staff or a visitor feeling lost can ruin the experience they have at your museum. Your first reaction might be, “Amy, these five things are simple, of course we are already doing these things.” Are you? Does your whole team know the importance of being a good host and being helpful? Take the time to really make sure everyone is on the same page. I have audited many museums who thought they were already doing these things but gaps in internal expectations or communication proved otherwise. If you’ve mapped out your visitor journey and you know what that experience should look like, these five tips will also be easier.

Here are 5 tips for creating a memorable museum visit:

  1. Create a welcoming atmosphere:
    Visitors are more likely to enjoy their experience if they feel welcomed and comfortable. Make sure the museum is clean, well-lit, and comfortable. Offer friendly and helpful staff who can answer questions and provide assistance when needed.

  2. Use clear signage:
    Make sure visitors can easily find their way around the museum. Use clear and consistent signage throughout the museum to indicate where exhibits are located, where facilities such as restrooms and cafes are located, and how to exit the museum.

  3. Provide helpful information:
    Different levels of way-finding should be available. Some visitors prefer wandering and exploring on their own but some want to know “the right path” they should go on to get the most out of their visit. Try to accommodate both kinds of visitors.

  4. Offer guided tours:
    Guided tours can be a great way to provide visitors with a more in-depth and personalized experience. Offer tours that cover different themes or topics, or that focus on specific exhibits or collections.

  5. Meet them where they are:
    Keep in mind that visitors are coming to your space from different stages in their planning. Some have done a lot of detailed research before they arrive, some have done just enough to get to the front door and still need some guidance, and some just happened to be passing by and decided to pop in. Each of these deserves the same excellent visit. Meet them where they are and help fill in the gaps on the information that they need. Knowing what you want that visitor journey to look like will help YOU help THEM.

By focusing on these elements, museums can create a visitor experience that is memorable, engaging, and enjoyable. This will not only encourage visitors to return, but also to share their experiences with others and bring friends and family along for the ride.

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10 Things for the “Plan Your Visit” website page